What is that one experience that keeps knocking in your head, in your heart? Is it that honeymoon trip or that Christmas gift you received from your family? There are rare moments in your life that will touch your heart and begin to see how important you are to yourself and other people. Imagine a situation where you are invited to a luncheon and everyone is paying for their sumptuous meal. There are more than a 1000 heads and surprisingly, somebody pays for your plate. Why would it happen to you and not the others? It’s not by chance, not by luck, but because there is something in you that others see and appreciate.
That is why one morning in March 2003, remains as one of the most important, life-changing, life-enhancing days of Tammy Lee’s life. She was shocked beyond belief when Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen, co-authors of the book “The One Minute Millionaire, the Enlightened Way to Wealth” paid for her laugh in front of almost 500 people who were present at the same One Minute Millionaire seminar Tammy was sitting in on. Tammy went on to create 3 CD’s, “I Crack Me UP’ being her first one out.
Tammy is the ‘laughter doctor’, she helps you laugh and sees laughter as a wonderful healing power. She lives in Kansas and has helped many people to raise their level of spirit in those dense and tough moments.
Sometimes, life is just too demanding, distressing, and unbearable. When things don’t seem to work our way or when our health has deteriorated, we tend to hate and blame ourselves. Tammy Lee has been guided by God and now she has discovered the Spiritual Gift of laughter she uses to change the lives of other people. With a great sense of humor, Tammy has the magical divine touch that helps many people come out of those distressing thoughts and experiences.
Tammy Lee is just The Shot In The Arm You Need!!! You can start to experience that philosophy right now, pop in the CD and LAUGH your way to a better day!!! Even better, at the tip of your fingers, download the FREE Laugh App Tammy developed with YOU in mind. Allowing laughter to only be a touch away, get it now at www.laughitoffapp.com