Are you ready to Transform Into JOY?
Simple Steps to Gain Clarity, Feel Empowered, Create Abundance and more!
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How I Help Make SHIFT Happen
Tammy has created custom, One On One Custom Coaching Programs, Creative Keynote presentations and Experiential Workshops empowering people across the nation to fully tap into their Unbound Joy coming from a place of understanding and empowering others to live in their fullest and greatest potential and turning on the JOY Switch within.
Tammy brings to the table with her experience working with veterans that have seen the worst in the world, as well as people of all ages, including but not limited to Moms, Husbands, Sales People, Business Owners, people in the Healing arts, Teachers, Counselors, Entrepreneurs, etc.

I help people Transform Into Joy. That’s what I do!
I work with housewives, I work with Military, men who are divorcing, people who are stuck. I work with people in sales, in corporate to bring back more JOY to their employees. Basically, the main point of what I do, I help people Transform into Joy.
Women that are at home that feel stuck. People who are stuck in fear. Entrepreneurs that are struggling, and want to get more sales to get unstuck and get more clients.
I help soldiers that are transitioning back into civilian life, that don’t know what to do.
I help people that feel desperate and lost and unsure of who they are and why they are here.
I help women, women that stay at home to tap into more JOY, Find their passion.
I am so passionate about helping others
I even have my own APP, its called the Laugh It Off APP helping people that Transform their own inner blocks that keep them in fear.
I help people to get Unstuck and figure out those inner blocks that are keeping them from living the life they truly desire and help them to elevate and and help them to create the life they really Love.
I run coaching Programs, I do speaking events, I create experiential workshops…AND Its A lot of FUN!)
Who are your clients?
I work with people just like you who are going through a transition like opening up to their second part life, transitioning from their job into their own business, from a divorcee to the empty nesters, suffering from a loss in their life.
I work with a variety of people.
I work with people that are committed individuals, men and women, married and single, people that are open and searching for answers, people with relationship issues, people with health issues, people that are looking to find their joy in life again, people that desire to be held accountable to stepping into their birth right, their power.
I work with, sales people, massage therapists, holistic practitioners, energy workers, entrepreneurs, women transitioning from one stage of life to another and want support in doing it smoothly.
I Work With:
▼ Women that have felt Suppressed, Lived a Suppressed Life
▼ Women that Feel Lost and Desire Clarity
▼ Sales professionals
▼ Divorcees
▼ Empty Nesters
▼ Creative and Spiritual Entrepreneurs
▼ People going through a transition
▼ Consultants
▼ Coaches
▼ Working Mothers
▼ Stay At Home Moms
▼ Corporate Executives
▼ Business Owners
What makes you different from other “Mentors & Coaches”?
Knowing that living in more JOY equals more success in all areas of life. I design a program that is right for you, as your individual self. I realize that not all people fit into the cookie cutter category.
I myself am that type of person.
This is about “YOU”!
With me you get the confidence, expertise and proven advice of a Joy consultant. I work on the inner and outer principals for success in the area of life that you choose to concentrate on from an organic and spiritual perspective.
What that means to you is that you get a wise-sage-meets-kick-butt authentic transformation coach and mentor. I’m also very spiritual and I don’t pretend to hide it either.
Because I’m not delicate, you’ll always get a straight to the point quick and honest response from me.
I’m concerned with how to get your Joy in life rolling in FAST –to help you STOP wasting time, to LOWER your stress and STOP leaking your energy and your power where it doesn’t belong.
Let’s get you focused on doing what it is you came here to do. Generating more joy, more money, and more laughter in your life now!
I don’t beat around bushes or waste time. You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth.
The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting results in record time (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!).
As you see here with Diane Barker, we worked together for less than an hour, and this is what she has to share:
I’m pleased to be writing a testimonial of Tammy’s skills as an intuitive who clears chakra energy.
We had just met and were engaged in a casual conversation, which, as the topics shifted, turned into a rather intense exploration of my beliefs and feelings.
At one point Tammy asked me, “do you find yourself making excuses for other people a lot?” I had to think a minute and then answered, “Yes.” She then explained about her challenges with the throat chakra and how blocking emotions and thoughts interferes with the vocal chords. Instead of a strong, clear voice, you can end up with a scratchy, squeaky, or non–‐existent voice. You might have to constantly clear your throat, and not because of allergies.
Tammy’s questions were challenging, but not invasive.
I felt uncomfortable because this was territory that I had been in denial about, but when she used the word “excuse,” I knew that this conversation was about truth and not denying reality. The next day when I saw Tammy I thanked her for the conversation and for clearing my throat chakra.
I’m aware of chakras, but I don’t really work with them. After my conversation with Tammy, I felt more energy flowing, and my voice was stronger. I felt that a burden of silence and denial had been lifted from my heart, which made the energy flow to my throat. We met and had this healing encounter in April. It’s now July, and I remember our conversation and continue to benefit from what she told me. She connected with me and seemed to see my emotional body or chakras and guided me to a state of greater clarity and health.
Thank you, Tammy for your insights and laughter, and the change for the better! I Highly recommend you! Diane Barker July 2015
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about breaking out of their rut, breaking through resistance, bringing more joy into their life, making more money and ending what I call “the spinning hamster in the wheel syndrome”
– it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up saying: “I should be doing WAY better than this in my life by now!”
They were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!).
This will lead you to gaining more confidence, vitality, higher thinking, setting better boundaries, gaining emotional resiliency and mental clarity, and finally attracting what you desire, living in more joy, a deeper spiritual connection, improved relationships, more money, experiencing better sex, create the lifestyle of your dreams. That’s what I call FREEDOM.
Being a high achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go-getters.
People who are committed to their growth, especially internal, no matter what, who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to get results in the area you choose.
My clients often tell me –
“I don’t know where I would be without my ‘Tammy Time’!”
Consider what you’ll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to succeed in your life.
You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: confidence, connection and flow, consistently and in record time.
For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work?
Please know I’m very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.)
The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN programs are NOT for those types of personalities, which I won’t work with (without exception) are the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program.
If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?

What exactly is The 90 Day Breakthrough Program and what does it include?
We will be working one on one, sky rocketing your confidence and your JOY flow begins with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to manifest what you want (including more money), creating powerful intentions that get you results as well as the inner pieces to powerfully get living the life you came here to live.
Here’s what the System gets you to do:
1. Set Your Intentions
We examine where you are in your life and get CRYSTAL clear about your intentions, what you want to experience in your personal life and even your business.
Before you can manifest what you want you have to KNOW what you want.
You’ll learn the difference between setting goals and intentions, the biggest mistakes made when trying to apply the law of attraction to one’s life and pave the way for exciting opportunities, synchronicities and Upleveling who and what you do.
2. Release Your Inner Resistance
Mostly you might already know what you need to be doing but yet are still struggling in procrastination, feeling stuck and spinning in circles. You’ll be learning proven techniques for breaking through your inner resistance, self doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keep you playing small so that you can begin taking action to UPlevel your life.
3. Transforming, Reading Your Energy, Energy Work.
Before I start working with any of my clients, I ask for permission to connect to their higher self, to assess your energy and speak Truth no matter what comes up throughout our time of working together.
I will say what Truth is coming through.
We may go into deep dives throughout our time together. We may experience Divine downloads. We may receive Intuitive messages. Remembering, The Soul, Your Soul desires to come out and play, to be realized, recognized, to EXPRESS all through you, and that is what I help you to do.
4. Breakthrough Tools
This is where I teach you different tools. I teach you proven systems, processes, to help you transform negative thinking and old belief patterns that are keeping you stuck, that are causing you to suffer.
Some may seem so simple that you may dismiss them. This is where I urge you to Trust the process.
5. Accountability
As you are moving forward, practicing these new systems and tools, and the higher ways of thinking and being in your life, taking inspired action.
I am here to continue to help hold you accountable to keep you moving forward, answer your questions, offering you guidance and support. I continue to remind you that I have your back.
6. Focus In
We’ll look at what you should be focusing on to move your life forward. What actions you need to be taking each day to leverage your time, effectiveness and attracting more Joy into your life.
7. Celebrate!
We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you.
What you focus on expands and everything you are learning and experiencing is of your creation.
Your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Celebrate what shows up so you can pave the way for even more success in your life!
Does this really work?
Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset and your life so that with time, and consistency you’ll sky rocket your confidence in your ability to manifest and live your life the flow of JOY.
What results can I expect?
- Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease
- Get crystal clear on who you are and where you desire to improve your life
- Leverage your time so you can begin to live in ALL you came here to be, do and have
- Receive specific Tools to live in a state of JOY
- Create new goals for yourself every 90 days to keep pulling yourself into your future as opposed to pushing so hard
- Stay accountable to these goals and achieve them
- Living a more sovereign life
- Realize how much more FUN life can be lived in.
- Learn where to step UP in your life with higher thinking and better tools
- Experience energy shifts, and removing ‘stinking thinking’ from your life
- Implement tools so you consistently move forward in your life easily and can finally stop the struggle, for good.
- Release Blockages
- Clear old habits and patterns that no longer support you
How quickly can I expect results?
That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and sky rocket their JOY and feel even more successful in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first.
It also depends on how far along you are in the areas you desire to concentrate on of your choosing.
How can I guarantee that I will get more breakthroughs & in the JOY flow, in record time?
Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to you Transforming into JOY. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps.
My clients who have diligently applied the steps of The 90 Day Breakthrough Program…Step into JOY ~~ Walk with ME have successfully experienced what they set their intentions for and more, in much less time than they would have on their own.
Tammy, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for more JOY in your life, which leads to more success in your life! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your personal goals…
There are 3 other ways to work with me besides one on one in, The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, Step into JOY ~~ Walk with ME I do prefer to work one on one with my clients to really help them achieve FASTER results and am now offering more intense programs.
To get started with sky rocketing your confidence and living in your JOY flow, and experience paradigm shifts, here are the different programs and products I’ve created for you:
TRANSFORM Into JOY – Make SHIFT Happen Workshop
Transform Into Joy Workshop, is where YOU are the focus! This workshop is right for your business, for groups, small and large, if you are looking for:
Are you ready to recognize and to get rid of your stinking thinking? Are you tired of the ‘negative mongers’ that you cannot get away from at work, maybe you even live with them?
Learning to live more in a state of JOY will attract higher thinking people into your life, greater opportunities, more confidence, better sales, more sustainability both personally and in business.
This is where you learn tools and techniques as you experience them and learn to implement them. This is where you take control and create a new and improved reality.
Transformation’s the name of the game
This workshop will give you a new outlook on your life and Uplift you to experience with new thoughts, deep shifts, Aha moments, deeper awareness, and so on.
If you are looking to charge up your life in new ways, making it more exciting, getting off the hamster wheel of life, to have better relationships, make more money, find peace with your past, breakthrough to a new way of thinking and living, increase your bottom line, financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally be further ahead.
This is the workshop for you personally or in business or both.
Wake up to ALL that you are and ALL you came here to be, it is time, the time is now. It is YOUR TIME!!!
So let’s recap, some of what you may experience working with Tammy is, Mindset Breakthroughs, Releasing limiting beliefs and feelings such as:
Fear of failure
Fear of rejection
Standing up for yourself and owning your value
Feeling like a fraud syndrome
I’m not good enough
Bouncing you into greater parts of life, such as:
Setting new boundaries
Speaking your TRUTH
Feeling more Empowered and Confidant
Being Present – Living in the Now
You are Your Queen
The Goddess Speaks
“I Am Worthy”
Starting your own business
Living Stress Free
Learning what your energy is attracting
How your thoughts create your reality
The POWER of Language
OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at or call us directly 785-735-4383 and I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you.
I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!
“To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom, & Living a JOY filled life!”
Tammy Lee Schumacher
Women’s Empowerment Mentor/Leader/Trainer and Intuitive Guide
Tammy brings to the table with her experience working with veterans that have seen the worst in the world, as well as people of all ages, including but not limited to Moms, Husbands, Sales People, Business Owners, people in the Healing arts, Teachers, Counselors, Entrepreneurs, etc.
I help people Transform Into Joy. That’s what I do!
I work with housewives, I work with Military, men who are divorcing, people who are stuck. I work with people in sales, in corporate to bring back more JOY to their employees. Basically, the main point of what I do, I help people Transform into Joy.
Women that are at home that feel stuck. People who are stuck in fear. Entreprenuers that are struggling, and want to get more sales to get unstuck and get more clients. I help soldiers that are transitioning back into civilian life, that don’t know what to do.
I help people that feel desperate and lost and unsure of who they are and why they are here.
I help women, women that stay at home to tap into more JOY, Find their passion.
I am so passionate about helping others, that I even have my own APP, its called the Laugh It Off APP helping people that Transform their own inner blocks that keep them in fear.
I help people to get Unstuck and figure out those inner blocks that are keeping them from living the life they truly desire and help them to elevate and and help them to create the life they really Love.
I run coaching Programs, I do speaking events, I create experiential workshops…AND Its A lot of FUN!)
Who are your clients?
I work with people just like you who are people going through some kind of a transition like opening up to their second part life, transitioning from their job into their own business, from a divorcee to the empty nesters, suffering from a loss in their life.
I work with a variety of different people, I work with people that are committed individuals, men and women, married and single, people that are open and searching for answers, people with relationship issues, people with health issues, people that are looking to find their joy in life again, people that desire to be held accountable to stepping into their birth right, their power.
I work with, sales people, massage therapists, holistic practitioners, energy workers, entrepreneurs, women transitioning from one stage of life to another and want support in doing it smoothly.
▼ Women that have felt Suppressed, Lived a Suppressed Life
▼ Women that Feel Lost and Desire Clarity
▼ Sales professionals
▼ Divorcees
▼ Empty Nesters
▼ Creative and Spiritual Entrepreneurs
▼ People going through a transition
▼ Consultants
▼ Coaches
▼ Working Mothers
▼ Stay At Home Moms
▼ Corporate Executives
▼ Business Owners
What makes you different from other “Mentor and Coaches”?
Knowing that living in more JOY equals more success in all areas of life. I design a program that is right for you, as your individual self. I realize that not all people fit into the cookie cutter category. I myself am that type of person.
This is about “YOU”! With me you get the confidence and expert and proven advice and Joy consultant. I work on the inner and outer principals for success in the area of life that you choose to concentrate on from an organic and spiritual perspective.
What that means to you is that you get a wise-sage-meets-kick-butt authentic transformation coach and mentor. I’m also very spiritual and I don’t pretend to hide it either. Because I’m not delicate, you’ll always get a straight to the point quick and honest response from me.
I’m concerned with how to get your Joy in life rolling in FAST – to help you STOP wasting time, to LOWER your stress and STOP leaking your energy and your power where it doesn’t belong and get you focused on doing what it is you came here to do and generating more joyful activities, more money, more laughter in your life, for you sooner.
I don’t beat around bushes or waste time. You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting results in record time (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!).
As you see here with Diane Barker, we worked together for less than an hour, and this is what she has to share:
I’m pleased to be writing a testimonial of Tammy’s skills as an intuitive who clears chakra energy.
We had just met and were engaged in a casual conversation, which, as the topics shifted, turned into a rather intense exploration of my beliefs and feelings.
At one point Tammy asked me, “do you find yourself making excuses for other people a lot?” I had to think a minute and then answered, “Yes.” She then explained about her challenges with the throat chakra and how blocking emotions and thoughts interferes with the vocal chords. Instead of a strong, clear voice, you can end up with a scratchy, squeaky, or non–‐existent voice. You might have to constantly clear your throat, and not because of allergies.
Tammy’s questions were challenging, but not invasive.
I felt uncomfortable because this was territory that I had been in denial about, but when she used the word “excuse,” I knew that this conversation was about truth and not denying reality. The next day when I saw Tammy I thanked her for the conversation and for clearing my throat chakra.
I’m aware of chakras, but I don’t really work with them. After my conversation with Tammy, I felt more energy flowing, and my voice was stronger. I felt that a burden of silence and denial had been lifted from my heart, which made the energy flow to my throat. We met and had this healing encounter in April. It’s now July, and I remember our conversation and continue to benefit from what she told me. She connected with me and seemed to see my emotional body or chakras and guided me to a state of greater clarity and health.
Thank you, Tammy for your insights and laughter, and the change for the better! I Highly recommend you! Diane Barker July 2015
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
The The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about breaking out of their rut, breaking through resistance, bringing more joy into their life, making more money and ending what I call “the spinning hamster in the wheel syndrome” – it means not running around all day long, beating yourself up saying: “I should be doing WAY better than this in my life by now!”
They were created for you to put systems in place within a few months (sometimes weeks!), which will eventually lead you to gaining more confidence, vitality, higher thinking, setting better boundaries, gaining emotional resiliency and mental clarity, and finally attracting what you desire, living in more joy, a deeper spiritual connection, improved relationships, more money, experiencing better sex, create the lifestyle of your dreams. That’s what I call FREEDOM.
Being a high achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go-getters, people who are committed to their growth, especially internal, no matter what, who are super-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to get results in the area you choose.
My clients often tell me – “I don’t know where I would be without my ‘Tammy Time’!” Consider what you’ll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to know to succeed in your life. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: confidence, connection and flow, consistently and in record time.
For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work?
Please know I’m very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.)
The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN programs are NOT for those types of personalities, which I won’t work with (without exception) are the whiner or the chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenging every aspect of the program.
If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
What exactly is The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN system and what does it include?
We will be working one on one, sky rocketing your confidence and your JOY flow begins with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to manifest what you want (including more money), creating powerful intentions that get you results as well as the inner pieces to powerfully get living the life you came here to live. Here’s what the System gets you to do:
1. Set Your Intentions
We examine where you are in your life and get CRYSTAL clear about your intentions, what you want to experience in your personal life and even your business. Before you can manifest what you want you have to KNOW what you want. You’ll learn the difference between setting goals and intentions, the biggest mistakes made when trying to apply the law of attraction to one’s life and pave the way for exciting opportunities, synchronicities and UPleveling who and what you do.
2. Release Your Inner Resistance
Mostly you might already know what you need to be doing but yet are still struggling in procrastination, feeling stuck and spinning in circles. You’ll be learning proven techniques for breaking through your inner resistance, self doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keep you playing small so that you can begin taking action to UPlevel your life.
3. Transforming, Reading Your Energy, Energy Work.
Before I start working with any of my clients, I ask for permission to connect to their higher self, to assess your energy and speak Truth no matter what comes up throughout our time of working together. I will say what Truth is coming through. We may go into deep dives throughout our time together. We may experience Divine downloads. We may receive Intuitive messages. Remembering, The Soul, Your Soul desires to come out and play, to be realized, recognized, to EXPRESS all through you, and that is what I help you to do.
4. Breakthrough Tools
This is where I teach you different tools. I teach you proven systems, processes, to help you transform negative thinking and old belief patterns that are keeping you stuck, that are causing you to suffer. Some may seem so simple that you may dismiss them. This is where I urge you to Trust the process.
5. Accountability
As you are moving forward, practicing these new systems and tools, and the higher ways of thinking and being in your life, taking inspired action. I am here to continue to help hold you accountable to keep you moving forward, answer your questions, offering you guidance and support. I continue to remind you that I have your back.
6. Focus In
We’ll look at what you should be focusing on to move your life forward. What actions you need to be taking each day to leverage your time, effectiveness and attracting more Joy into your life.
7. Celebrate!
We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you. What you focus on expands and everything you are learning and experiencing is of your creation. Your confidence will sky rocket as you consistently produce results over and over again! Celebrate what shows up so you can pave the way for even more success in your life!
Does this really work?
Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset and your life so that with time, and consistency you’ll sky rocket your confidence in your ability to manifest and live your life the flow of JOY.
What results can I expect?
You can expect to:
- Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).
- Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance and self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease
- Get crystal clear on who you are and where you desire to improve your life
- Leverage your time so you can begin to live in ALL you came here to be, do and have
- Receive specific Tools to live in a state of JOY
- Create new goals for yourself every 90 days to keep pulling yourself into your future as opposed to pushing so hard
- Stay accountable to these goals and achieve them
- Living a more sovereign life
- Realize how much more FUN life can be lived in.
- Learn where to step UP in your life with higher thinking and better tools
- Experience energy shifts, and removing ‘stinking thinking’ from your life
- Implement tools so you consistently move forward in your life easily and can finally stop the struggle, for good.
- Release Blockages
- Clear old habits and patterns that no longer support you
How quickly can I expect results?
That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and sky rocket their JOY and feel even more successful in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on how far along you are in the areas you desire to concentrate on of your choosing.
How can I guarantee myself that I will get more breakthroughs & in the JOY flow, in record time?
Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to you Transforming into JOY. Understand that this is a process, a proven one, that works if you take action and implement all of the steps. My clients who have diligently applied the steps of The 90 Day Breakthrough Program…Step into JOY ~~ Walk with ME have successfully experienced what they set their intentions for and more, in much less time than they would have on their own.
Tammy, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations on making a decision for more JOY in your life, which leads to more success in your life! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your personal goals… There are 3 other ways to work with me besides one on one in, The 90 Day Breakthrough Program, Step into JOY ~~ Walk with ME I do prefer to work one on one with my clients to really help them achieve FASTER results and am now offering more intense programs. To get started with sky rocketing your confidence and living in your JOY flow, and experience paradigm shifts, here are the different programs and products I’ve created for you:
TRANSFORM Into JOY – Make SHIFT Happen Workshop
Transform Into Joy Workshop, is where YOU are the focus! This workshop is right for your business, for groups, small and large, if you are looking for:
Are you ready to recognize and to get rid of your stinking thinking? Are you tired of the ‘negative mongers’ that you cannot get away from at work, maybe you even live with them? Learning to live more in a state of JOY will attract higher thinking people into your life, greater opportunities, more confidence, better sales, more sustainability both personally and in business.
This is where you learn tools and techniques as you experience them and learn to implement them. This is where you take control and create a new and improved reality.
Transformation the name of the game in this workshop will give you a new outlook in your life and Uplift you to experience with new thoughts, deep shifts, Aha moments, deeper awareness, and so on.
If you are looking to charge up your life in new ways, making it more exciting, getting off the hamster wheel of life, to have better relationships, make more money, find peace with your past, breakthrough to a new way of thinking and living, increase your bottom line, financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally be further ahead. This is the workshop for you either personally or in business or both.
Wake up to ALL that you are and ALL you came here to be, it is time, the time is now. It is YOUR TIME!!!
So let’s recap, some of what you may experience, working with Tammy, is Mindset Breakthroughs, Releasing limiting beliefs and feelings such as:
Fear of failure
Fear of rejection
Standing up for yourself and owning your value
Feeling like a fraud syndrome
I’m not good enough
Bouncing you into greater parts of life, such as:
Setting new boundaries
Speaking your TRUTH
Feeling more Empowered and Confidant
Being Present – Living in the Now
You are Your Queen
The Goddess Speaks
“I Am Worthy”
Starting your own business
Living Stress Free
Learning what your energy is attracting
How your thoughts create your reality
The POWER of Language
OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I call you?
Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at or call us directly 785-735-4383 and I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you.
I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!
“To Your Love, Expansion & Freedom, & Living a JOY filled life!”
Tammy Lee Schumacher
Women’s Empowerment Mentor/Leader/Trainer and Intuitive Guide
“I am Director of a Massage Therapy program at a local University, and have invited Tammy Lee to be our guest speaker, not once, not twice, but THREE times!!! In the profession of Massage Therapy, many seek holistic and therapeutic resources not only for their clients, but for themselves. I have asked Tammy Lee to represent me, my program, and the University because she embodies those qualities to a level of excellence desired at that level of education. When she speaks, I know she will inspire and encourage not only my students, but the audience as well. Thank you Tammy Lee for being a beacon of light to those you touch.”
Director of Massage Therapy
Fort Hays State University,
Ceena Owens BGS, RN, BCTMB
August 20, 2016

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Tammy Lee Schumaker
Women's Empowerment Mentor Leader/Trainer and Intuitive Guide